Text generators for German content

We share with you our experience in writing texts and creating content in the German language with artificial intelligence. They will hate AI text generators, but never let go of them again. Is a text generator German as good as professional copywriters? We explain how the current tools differ and what the hype of text generators is all about.

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Boom of text generators

What is an AI text generator?

An AI text generator (or AI writing assistant) is software that can generate content automatically and at scale. Text generators can be used by digital agencies and companies to generate content for specific topics or niches. AI stands for “Artificial Intelligence”. Often the English abbreviation AI (“Artificial Intelligence”) is used for this.

Behind the AI text generators today are fascinating tools that use deep learning and autoregressive language models and neural networks to generate very natural texts. They replace old concepts such as “article spinning” (simple text replacements), which were previously the only ones able to generate content automatically.

AI copywriter for copywriting & SEO content

AI assistants are not yet a full-fledged replacement for human copywriters. They are merely tools that can help copywriters in their work by eliminating writer’s block and generating content ideas at scale. In this article, we explain why they will make human copywriters completely superfluous in the future, at least for trivial content such as most blog posts, SEO texts and advertising texts.

Since the field of AI text generators is still quite young, there are many names for this genre of writing tools. They are referred to as AI Text Generator, AI Text Generator, AI Writing Assistant, AI Article Spinner or Advertising Text Generator.

GPT-3 – the “mother” of all text generators

The big boom of AI text generators was triggered by the GPT-3 software from OpenAI in 2020 . This artificial intelligence is given text excerpts, which it then supplements with probable words. In fact, most AI text tools on the Internet today use GPT-3, which on the one hand brings high quality, but on the other hand also various restrictions, especially for current topics and the German language, which we will discuss below.

It is no exaggeration to call GPT-3 the mother of AI writers. Because most of the text generator tools available on the market today use this software. For a fee, they send prepared text orders to GPT-3 and compile the results into articles, e-mails, advertising texts and many other types of text.

Update: ChatGPT answers complex questions

With ChatGPT, OpenAI has developed a new AI model optimized for dialogues and problem solving. It perfects a feature that was already present in GPT-3. GPT-3 always responds to prior information. If the previous information asks a question, the AI responds with an answer. If the user gives an instruction, the AI reacts to this instruction exactly as it happens in their training data (in English websites).

ChatGPT refines the ability to engage in dialogue so effectively that Google even triggered a red alert: The search engine company sees its most important business model at risk. In the future, we will not search, but ask. Microsoft is approaching this change constructively and integrating ChatGPT into its search engine Bing.

ChatGPT is currently still available free of charge in the demo version (as of January 2023). That’s why many impressive examples can now be found on the Internet. Particularly disruptive is probably the ability of ChatGPT to program programs in all popular programming languages. Are we approaching the point at which AI can program and develop itself?

AI text generator for German articles

Meanwhile, there are many text generators that also write useful AI texts on German. We looked at many of these tools and wanted to compare how well they support our article writing workflow. We even flirted with letting the tools write entire articles completely automatically. Because some text generators also make this promise.

Our experiences, which we would like to share below and in other articles, are very mixed. The market for AI text generators is still young. There are some providers among them who have developed great concepts around the GPT-3 engine with great effort. They manage to create really complex texts by preparing the inputs and outputs.

Can any text generator german good enough to make authors completely redundant? No. Current text generators are just the latest generation of useful tools for copywriters. They are helpful when writer’s block makes work difficult or meeting a deadline becomes difficult. Text generators save time and provide creative input.

Instead of laboriously researching a topic, you have an article framework created and then simply put together paragraph by paragraph. This saves a lot of time and increases the output of a copywriter enormously. From our point of view, the best and most useful tools are the following.

Top 5 Text Generators for German Texts

ParaphraseTool.comPerfect for the casual user
The paraphrase tool can rewrite paragraphs, detect plagiarism and generate texts according to keywords. In the trial version, the AI text generator can be tried out free of charge and without registration. The premium version is very inexpensive for about 5 € per month and can create and improve paragraphs of 3000 characters in length. Wizards or engines don’t offer it.
Rytr.meEditor with many useful AI features
Rytr (pronounced “Writer”) offers a simple document management, some assistants and an editor to write complete articles. In terms of price, it is currently quite cheap for about 30 € per month and is therefore well suited for bloggers and freelancers who regularly write articles and other online content.
Jasper.aiExtensive suite with many assistants
Jasper’s learning curve and ongoing costs are more at the expert and agency level. If you have to publish blog and social media posts every day and also need many different types of text, you will appreciate Jasper. Monthly costs from 50 € are to be expected.
Frase.ioSuite with a strong SEO focus
Frase is available from about 20 € per month as a single seat. The additional Pro package (surcharge) includes, for example, automatic keyword research as well as project management and team features.
Mind-Verse.deAI suite startup from Germany
The Mind-Verse AI offers many engines, e.g. for blog articles, product reviews, instructions, reviews or press releases. The text editor and research tools are easy to understand and useful. Basic access to the text tools with 450 text creations is available from about 40 € per month.
The comparison shows: For every purpose and every budget, there are now AI tools that can write German texts.

Problems of German text generators with AI

The language barrier – a big disadvantage of many tools

Many AI tools for text generation are inherently English and also use the English-language GPT-3 engine. These were trained on English texts , for example on Wikipedia articles. Since the developers of the above tools already use the programming interfaces of OpenAI’s Text Generator API, it is only obvious that they connect them to Translator API. If the text generators are to generate German, they translate the German specifications into English using an API from DeepL, Google Translate or Bing, send the result to the text generator and translate its result back into German.

What comes out after this process is prone to subtle and whimsical mistakes. For one, the exact keywords are often lost and need to be corrected by human SEO. On the other hand, the generated texts often appear unnatural, use directly translated English phrases or twist meanings. For example, “games” sometimes becomes the Anglicism “gaming” or real estate appraiser becomes the real estate agent, which distorts the meaning.

The quality of the German texts therefore varies greatly. It essentially depends on the costs of translation providers before and behind artificial intelligence. It decisively decides whether great texts or gibberish comes out. This means that choosing an inexpensive tool for text generation ultimately means more post-processing, especially in Germany and other foreign languages.

Outdated knowledge of artificial intelligence

AI text generators do not generate highly up-to-date texts. They only know what was known at the time of their training. For this reason, they cannot generate content that is up-to-date with current events. An example of this is when a user searches for “Trump” and the AI tool returns a story about Trump’s presidential campaign from three years ago, but nothing about the current news.

So, the database of AI tools is not continuously updated with the latest news and developments in the world. In order for them to function completely autonomously, for example for press reports, their databases would have to be regularly updated with new information. However, this is a purely capacitive problem. The more computing power and memory the AI has, the more up-to-date and trained it can be. This problem is still present today, in 2022 and 2023, but will certainly be fixed by 2030.

Local topics only from an English perspective

Since the training of the AI text generators german practically not taken into account, regional topics are only weakly represented there. But what does that mean in concrete terms? Suppose that in Germany, Austria or German-speaking Switzerland, a certain topic is boiling up in the media that nobody seems to be interested in beyond the country’s borders.

As an example, plagiarism or copied doctoral theses of our politicians could serve. They are only of interest in the respective country. If a text generator is to write an article about such a local topic, then it has very few texts as a template in its database. He will therefore always use the same phrases, contexts and sentence constructions. This can even lead to apparent plagiarism if editors create German on the same topic with the same text generator.

Legal issues dealing with specific German circumstances are similarly difficult. We have seen this in the real estate sector, construction law, health and medicine or legal texts, but it will apply to many other industries.

AI tools dilute the internet

The last and probably biggest problem with AI tools that we want to mention in this article is the hype and increasing use of such tools. Online newsrooms of agencies and even newsrooms and authorities around the world are already using artificial intelligence. The editorial claim, the research and the examination of new findings recede into the background. The Internet is increasingly filled with knowledge that is only combined in a new (and not always factually correct) way.

When AI text generators create new sentences, semantically similar terms can simply be exchanged . As a result, errors creep into the public knowledge of the Internet, which are difficult for copywriters (both users and AI) to debunk. Imagine, for example, that tips on healthy eating are given and the word protein is replaced by fat. Comparable mistakes, which can even endanger health, have already been noticed in our comparisons.

Today, more and more artificially generated texts are finding their way onto the Internet. These inevitably also serve to train the next generation of AI text generators. The mistakes of the first generation of these tools, or the mistakes of the users of these tools, inevitably lead to the dilution of human knowledge, which in turn is used to train the next generation of AI .

The artificial intelligence of the future will therefore accept the mistakes of its ancestors as correct and integrate them into its knowledge base. We should therefore follow this trend and the hype around automatic content with interest and a healthy skepticism.


Our top 5 AI text generators for German texts

  1. https://paraphrasetool.com
  2. https://rytr.me
  3. https://jasper.ai
  4. https://frase.io
  5. https://mind-verse.de

These 5 providers have already convinced us during the first attempts with AI writing assistants and are therefore particularly recommended. They all offer a free trial period or free starting quotas. So just use the free trial period or free tiers to test these tools and find the best AI text tool for your purpose and taste.

Today we use different text generators for German texts every day. They all have strengths and weaknesses. In combination, they offer many possibilities to quickly generate or rewrite online texts. At least the dreaded writer’s block is a thing of the past thanks to such AI text generators in our agency.

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