Project Management in Marketing: Current Methods of Marketing Managers

Project management is a central aspect of any marketing strategy. It enables marketers to formulate their goals, use their resources effectively, and successfully realize their projects. In this blog post, we will look at the latest developments and methodologies in project management in marketing for marketing managers and online marketing professionals.

What exactly does project management mean in marketing?

By project management in marketing we mean the planning, organization and control of marketing projects. It encompasses a wide range of tasks, including creating marketing plans, coordinating teams, monitoring budgets, and measuring results.

At its core, project management in marketing is about ensuring that all activities are aligned with achieving marketing goals. This requires careful planning to ensure that resources are used effectively and constant monitoring to ensure that projects are on track.

Recent developments in project management for marketing managers

Agile project management

Agile project management is an approach originally developed in software development to help teams work flexibly and iteratively. In recent years, this approach has also become established in marketing.

Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban enable marketers to react quickly to change and continuously improve. Instead of creating a rigid plan, agile teams work in short “sprints” and adjust their strategy based on regular feedback.

Data-driven marketing

Data-driven marketing is another important trend in project management. By analyzing data, marketers can make informed decisions and optimize their strategies.

Tools like Google Analytics and Tableau can help collect and analyze data. This data can provide insight into which marketing activities are successful and where improvements can be made.

Automation in marketing

Automating marketing processes can help save time and reduce errors. There are a variety of tools that can help automate tasks such as email marketing, social media management, and content creation.

By automating routine tasks, marketers can focus on more strategic aspects of their job. Also, automation can help improve consistency and reduce errors that can occur with manual processes.

Integration of tools

The integration of different marketing tools can help to simplify processes and improve collaboration. For example, CRM systems can be integrated with email marketing tools and social media platforms.

By integrating tools, data can be transferred seamlessly between different systems. This can help break down silos and ensure that all team members have access to the information they need.

Tried-and-tested methods for project management in marketing


Defining SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) is a best practice in project management. This method can help sharpen focus and measure success.

For example, a specific goal could be to increase the number of visitors to a website. This goal is measurable because the number of visitors can be tracked using tools like Google Analytics. It is achievable and relevant if the company has the resources to carry out marketing activities that can generate more traffic. After all, it is time-bound when a clear time frame is set within which the goal is to be achieved.

Project management tools

Project management tools like Asana, Trello, and Jira can help keep projects organized and on top of things. These tools allow marketers to create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and track the progress of projects.

Choosing the right project management tool depends on your team’s specific needs. Some tools are better suited for large teams, while others are better suited for smaller teams or certain types of projects.


Clear and regular communication is crucial to the success of marketing projects. It’s important that all team members are aware of project status, changes, and issues.

Communication tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams can help improve communication. These tools allow teams to communicate, share files, and organize meetings in real-time.

Risk management

Risks are present in every project. Effective risk management can help identify and minimize potential problems.

Risk management starts with identifying potential risks. This could be, for example, the risk that a key supplier will fail or that a project will go over budget. Once the risks are identified, strategies can be developed to minimize them.

Continuous Improvement

Continuously reviewing and improving processes can help increase efficiency and achieve better results. This could be done, for example, through regular team meetings where feedback is given and opportunities for improvement are discussed.

The role of technology in project management

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in project management. It allows marketers to manage their projects more efficiently, improve their communication, and achieve better results. Some of the key technology trends in project management include:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI can help automate processes, analyze data, and make informed decisions. For example, AI-driven tools can help analyze customer behavior and develop personalized marketing strategies.

AI can also help predict trends and behavioral patterns, allowing marketers to be proactive and adjust their strategies accordingly. In addition, AI can help automate routine tasks, freeing up marketers to spend more time on strategic tasks.

Cloud technology

Cloud-based project management tools allow teams to collaborate and access important information from anywhere. They can also help improve security and reduce costs.

Cloud technology allows marketers to access a variety of tools and resources without having to be physically in a specific location. This is especially useful for teams that work remotely or are made up from different parts of the world. In addition, cloud technology enables seamless integration and collaboration between different tools and platforms.

Mobile Technology

Mobile apps can help marketers manage their projects on the go. They can also help improve communication and increase productivity.

With mobile apps, marketers can access their projects, manage tasks, communicate with their team, and generate reports no matter where they are. This increases flexibility and allows marketers to work efficiently even when they are not in the office.


Project management in marketing is a dynamic field that constantly produces new developments and methods. By applying these developments and methodologies, marketers can manage their projects more efficiently, achieve their goals, and measure their success.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a newcomer to the industry, it’s important to constantly educate yourself and stay up to date. By adapting to new developments and methodologies, you can ensure that your marketing projects are successful and deliver the desired results.

In a world that is increasingly digitized and connected, it is more important than ever to use the latest technologies and methods to work effectively and remain competitive. With the right tools and methods, you can take your marketing projects to the next level.