How to choose the best marketing agency

Choosing the right marketing agency for your business is an important step in making you more successful online. However, with so many agencies on the market, it can be difficult to find the right one. In this article, you will learn how to choose the best marketing agency for your business.

Agency Search Basics

There are several ways to find a marketing agency. Agency directories, such as’s, list agencies and provide a search function by location, specialization, and size of the agency. Searching through Google is another option. Simply enter relevant keywords such as “marketing agency” or “online marketing agency”.

Another way to find a variety of agencies is to attend networking events and conferences in the industry. Here you can talk to agencies in person and get an impression of their skills and working methods. Also, reading industry publications and blogs can help identify agencies that are active in your field and may be good candidates.

Once you have a long list of potential agencies, it’s important to reduce them to the ones that best fit your needs. If you want to proceed in a structured manner, create a criteria catalog with weightings. This allows you to quantify and objectify the decision, which will also be an advantage when communicating your decision within the company and to management.

Agency evaluation criteria catalogue (example)

In order to compare agencies, the criteria can be weighted according to the following system and the agencies can be given points for each criterion. Thus, each agency receives a certain number of points and can be assessed in direct comparison:

Experience and expertise25%
Competencies and services20%
Chemistry and trust15%

Please note that the weightings are only an example and can be adjusted according to needs and preferences. Each criterion can also be further subdivided if necessary.

Most important criteria to find the best marketing agency

To find the best marketing agency for your goals and needs, you need to focus on the most important criteria:

  • Experience and expertise: Review references, case studies and customer feedback.
  • Specialization: Choose an agency with experience in your industry or segment.
  • Competencies and services: Check if the agency offers the services you need.
  • Budget: Check if the agency can accommodate your budget.
  • Chemistry and trust: Make sure that collaboration and communication works well.

Experience and expertise

An agency with sufficient experience and expertise in marketing is crucial. Make sure that the agency has references and case studies that give you insight into their work. Ask for client feedback to find out if the agency is able to meet your requirements.


The specialisation of the Agency is another important criterion. An agency with experience in your industry or market segment is an advantage. Look for an agency that understands your business and target audience well.

Competencies and services

Check if the agency offers the services you need. Choose an agency with experience in the field where you need help. It is also important that the agency has the necessary competencies and skills to achieve your goals.


Budget is also an important factor when choosing a marketing agency. Check if the agency can take into account your budget and what services are included in the price. Clarify if there are any additional costs that are not included in the offer.

Chemistry and trust

The chemistry between you and the agency is crucial for a long-term cooperation. Make sure that you can trust the agency and that the communication is clear and transparent.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Wie viel kostet eine Marketing-Agentur?
    Die Kosten für eine Marketing-Agentur können je nach Umfang und Art der Dienstleistungen variieren.
    Einige typische Kostenbereiche für bestimmte Dienstleistungen könnten zum Beispiel sein:
    • Search engine optimization: Typically between €500 and €3,000 per month, depending on the scope and competition in your industry.
    • Social Media Management: Between €500 and €2,000 per month, depending on the number of platforms and scope of services.
    • Content marketing: Usually between €1,000 and €5,000 per month, depending on the scope and type of content.
  • Wie lange dauert es, bis erste Erfolge sichtbar werden?
    Die Dauer, bis erste Erfolge sichtbar werden, hängt von den gewählten Marketingmaßnahmen und Ihrer Branche ab.
    Einige typische Zeiträume, bis erste Erfolge sichtbar werden könnten, könnten zum Beispiel sein:
    • Search engine optimization: It usually takes at least three months to see an improvement in ranking. However, it can also take up to a year to achieve significant results.
    • Social Media Management: It may take a few weeks to feel the impact of social media marketing, but it can also take months to see a real growth in your followers and engagement.
    • Content marketing: It may take a few months before you see an increase in organic traffic to your website.
  • Kann ich auch nur Teilbereiche an eine Agentur abgeben?
    Ja, Sie können auch nur Teilbereiche an eine Marketing-Agentur auslagern, je nach Bedarf und Budget.
    Einige typische Teilbereiche, die Sie auslagern könnten, könnten zum Beispiel sein:
    • Search engine optimization: If you only want to focus on a specific type of keywords, you can only outsource that area.
    • Social media management: If you only want to focus on a specific platform, you can only outsource that area.
    • Content marketing: If you only want to focus on a specific type of content, you can only outsource that area.
  • How do I find a marketing agency that fits my business?
    Pay attention not only to the professional competence, but also to the corporate culture and the way the agency works. An overview of criteria and the decision for the best agency we give in this article.


Choosing the perfect marketing agency for your business takes time and effort. Focus on key criteria such as experience and expertise, specialization, skills and accomplishments, budget and chemistry, and trust. Look for an agency that can meet your needs and fits your business. A good cooperation with the agency can help ensure that your marketing campaigns are successful.

Start your search for the perfect marketing agency for your business today and visit’s agency directory. Here you will find a large selection of agencies and can use the search function to filter specifically by location, specialization and size. Now click on the following link to get started: